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Coopers Elbow Crutches - Adult Single-adjustable

Product Description

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High quality, high user weight. Double spring clip for strength. High resistance (very hard to bend) anodised aluminium.

This crutch features a wedge shaped handle to accept a wide range of hands. The front is contoured to reduce the tendency to slide off and the triangular main body of the handle, and the 8º angle, reflect the natural formation of the hand when clenching an object

  • Max. user weight: 180kg
  • Adult Single-adjustable
  • Arm band to hand-grip (fixed): 230mm
  • Hand-grip to ground (in 25mm steps): 690mm - 940mm.
  • 22mm tip.
  • Weight: 1.0kg/pair
  • Inside Cuff Circumference: 280mm